Building Bible literacy among Christians

The longer I served within the context of my local church, the more women I encountered who had been extraordinarily gifted by the Lord to lead, to teach, and to write. Like me, these women had a deep love for the word of God and a profound sense of urgency to make the God of the Bible known. Like me, they mourned the lack of Bible literacy amongst Christians. Like me, they were compelled to do something about it. Through Seek and Find, I have linked arms with these women in an effort to advocate for Bible literacy among Christians. Our aim is to provide in-depth Bible study resources for the local church and disciple women thinkers, leaders, writers, and teachers in the process.

Our current titles include…

A two-part series on the book of Exodus

A nine- week study on the book of Judges

A two-part series on the book of Numbers (also available in Spanish)

A six-week study of the genres of Psalms

A nine-week study on the book of Joshua

Two studies on prayer

Learn more about the mission and work of this collaborative group of women on the Seek and Find Studies website.